According to Sanskrit translations, pranayama means mastery (yama) of life force (prana). This practice refers to a set of breathing exercises. The goal is to achieve a balance between our emotions, our thoughts and our body to feel better in our daily lives. The mastery of vital energy is an important practice in learning Yoga, it is one of the steps to achieve meditation.
«Breathe in serenity, exhale tension»
A unique experience
to Pranayama
Benefits of the
Improves physical and mental health
Provides a feeling of vitality, calm and serenity
Purifies the airways and lungs
Promotes blood circulation and purifies the blood
Control your inner peace
Your body is your temple
Frequently Asked Questions
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To practice pranayama correctly, you need to find a comfortable posture in which you can stretch your spine and release your diaphragm (creating space under your ribs). You can use a meditation cushion to be as comfortable as possible.
It is recommended to do a nasal wash before and to blow your nose well.
The main function found in these breathing exercises is to gradually slow down your breathing. When you perform pranayama practice, you control your breath, deepen it and also slow it down.
Breathing can be seen as a bridge between body and mind. Slowing down our breathing will help us calm our mind.
Breathing can be seen as a bridge between body and mind. Slowing down our breathing will help calm the mind.
Both practices aim to reduce stress, promote calm and improve your overall concentration.
But both differ in that meditation is meant to train the mind in its awareness and attention. And the Pranayama in the breathing of your body.
Pranayama is a step towards meditation.
Breathing is one of the eight steps on the path to liberation in yoga, it is even more important than the postures. It is also important to note that you need to practice these exercises constantly to reap the benefits.
Pranayama helps us to concentrate, to control the energy of our body, to improve our self-awareness, to stop thoughts, to oxygenate all our cells and thus improve our life expectancy.
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